Breaking News 5 months ago

Montréal: Gang leader Celestin's brother shot dead near HQ 2-17-2024

Major hit in the mafia organized crime of Montréal today as the murder that rocked a residential neighborhood this morning will likely trigger further violence in retaliation for what is the 6th homicide of the year in the city. Saturday morning February 17th 2024 at midnight all hell broke loose when multiple SPVM squad cars converged to 351 rue de Bellechasse in the Rosemont-Petite-Patrie neighborhood of Montréal, Québec, Canada. Bystanders gathered around the body of one deceased victim covered by a privacy tarp grieving and crying while another person was transported into a nearby ambulance with unknown injuries if any. First uniform officers established a protective perimeter while plain clothed investigators arrived early after the facts. Firemen from nearby fire hall were dispatched to assist in medical duties at an industrial transport hub where the dead patient lies and where another was assessed by Urgences Santé paramedics. Early footage filmed at the crime scene shows the drama that followed the assassination and one female patient being transported by paramedics to treat what was likely a shock response. The victim was identified as gang leader Jean-Philippe Brandon's brother Brandon Jean Célestin, 28 year old who was shot and killed near a restaurant that is acting as the family's headquarters. The pair of brothers well known by the members of the Groupe Éclipse, a special gang squad setup by the SPVM were currently advancing in the ranks of the organized crime in the Québec metropolis and its south shore suburbs and was spotted attending the funeral of mobster Gregory Woolley in December after he was murdered in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Woolley was a close attaché of Maurice "Mom" Boucher, a leader of the Hells Angels who was at the source of a violent gang war for the illegal drug market in Montréal against the Rock Machines in the early 2000's.

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