At 1h pm yesterday Feb 27 firefighters rushed to and upgraded a fire to a second alarm incident. Address of intervention is 4450 St-Jacques Street in the Saint-Henri neighborhood of Montréal, Québec, Canada. Type of building is a highrise 8 story residential apartment complex occupied with seniors and other people with reduced mobility. Firemen arrived to find flames and smoke coming out of a 6th floor north facing unit from which we believe one elderly man in his 80's was pulled. Multiple additional residents were helped by crews to safety either by climbing down ladders or by taking shelter on outdoor balconies to prevent smoke inhalation. Red cross and paramedics took charge of patients in wheelchairs while others were transported in nearby ambulances to assess burn and other smoke related injuries. A second alarm was necessary to combat the blaze and the end code 10-10 was given 1.5h after the start of the incident. An investigation is ongoing to find the source of the blaze and occupants of unaffected apartments have been allowed to return home.
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