Breaking News 1 year ago

Montréal: Second body found in grim recovery of Airbnb fire 3-22-2023

An unfathomable grim operation that firefighters from the SIM are required to conduct today is underway after one of the worst fires in the city's recent history. Horrifying details are surfacing after the deadly Vieux Port fire in Montréal, Canada last Thursday March 16th 2023. A person trapped in one of the units of the 19th century historical building ablaze reportedly called 911 twice saying they couldn't escape from the confined space due to no window in the apartment in the early minutes of the tragedy. Airbnb rentals were ongoing at this location at the time of the blaze and several people were burned by the flames attempting to escape the structure. The footage seen in this video was recorded Sunday March 19th and shows the charred stone walls and interior of the window frames. Today Wednesday, searches for the missing parties continued while firefighters carefully disassembled charred debris in hopes of finding identifiable remains. Five people are still missing, two bodies were recovered.

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