Breaking News 1 week ago

Old-Port: Grim sunny day for tourists at edge of perimeter 4-10-2024

Raw street level footage at south side of safety perimeter established at 5th alarm structure fire in Old Port of Montréal, Québec, Canada filmed 12 hours after the start of the blaze that left hostel patrons dead after becoming trapped in a voluntarily set arson fiery inferno. Fire crews responded twelve hours earlier only to face horror unfolding as screaming people stuck inside the burning walls were unable to escape.

Two French nationals have been identified as the victims of yesterday's fire in Montréal, Québec, Canada as 7 year old child Vérane Reynaud-Geraudie and her mother, 43 year old Léonor Geraudie from France. The pair was inside one of the units of the dangerous three story commercial and hotel style building that was the subject of arson Friday morning. CCTV surveillance cameras located nearby caught images of a suspect in the area when fire broke out and reports of accelerants were found in the burnt and collapsed structure. Recent examinations by the SIM at the property deemed it safe but the owner of that particular building is the same as another similar building fire last year that caused 7 deaths. According to audio communications between firefighters and the 911 central, it appears that the victims may have become trapped in a higher floor room in a detail that was transmitted early in the moments of the fire.

Audio: Utmost emergency detected in the voice of firefighters that first arrived on scene of a burning occupied building yesterday morning October 4th 2024. The fire left a yet unknown number of deceased victims and other injured people. The words heard in this audio extract is spoken in French the official language in the province of Québec, Canada.

Unknown number of dead patrons, that is what SPVM police and SIM media people tell the public after the horrific fire of a hostel this morning in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Footage show plums of smoke emanating from rubbles at the commercial and accommodation style three story structure. Fire is believed to have started at the ground floor in which a restaurant was located before spreading to the rest of the upper building where people and travelers were staying overnight. Some reports heard on the city's media outlets are a chilling testimony of what happened with some of them mentioning that they slept in bedroom with no windows.

One year after a fire at an Airbnb rental building in the Old Port of Montréal, Québec, Canada and horror is unfolding all over again. Multiple people have died today in a fire that broke out at 3h am Friday morning October 4th 2024. SIM firefighters arrived at the corner of Notre-Dame and Bonsecours only to find a fully involved apartment building with heavy flames showing. They upgraded the incident right away into a second alarm and minutes later into a fourth alarm, eventually upgrading the incident to the ultimate level of a 5th alarm. Images in this video were filmed at 11h this morning and crews are not at their 12th hour of this intense fire battle. A defensive order to the fire battle was issued early in the incident but despite the severity of the flames, according to fire radio scanners an almost impossible rescue was conducted as soon as fire firefighters arrived on scene. The person involved in that rescue was saved by crews who carried them away from the blaze using a firefighting ladder at a time where only very few units had made their way to the address. Address is 400 Notre-Dame Street East and multiple buildings around the incident have been evacuated. Unofficially, two people are believed to be dead and one person is in critical condition in hospital, but the death toll could rise. A gruesome link in the similar story of last year's fire is to be made as we learned that the owner of last year's building that caught fire is believed to be the same person as today's building ablaze. An investigation into this fire was started by the SPVM as it is believed that it was started criminally and that arson is thought to be the cause.

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